Monday, July 21, 2008

The keys that unlock the door


These look a little like the keys I just got for my new house...




shauna said...

Where oh where might that be?

How exciting. It looks like a great place! Can't wait to see it. Will Sharon live next door?

shauna said...


Here at home said...

Yipee! We will almost be next door neighbors, huh? A heck of a lot closer that we are now, anyway. I'm excited for you and excited that we will be able to spend more time together now.
Good luck with your move.
Love ya,

Here at home said...


Abby said...

Cool. Matt and I were so happy to buy a house we went out and bought an ornament for our tree. Congratulations. Where is it at?

Perfect Moments Photography said...

Congrats sis!!!! It looks like a nice sized house that has been built in the last ten years or so. You will be just a lil closer to us...LOL!! I wish it were MUCH closer....maybe someday!!

Tamster said...

That looks beautiful! Is that the rental in Stq you looked at when we were up there? Or is this a different one? When do you move? Geesh, it seems like half the family is moving within a couple months time period. Glad we're not part of that half. Okay, maybe it's only 4/11 of the family. It looks nice, anyway. :-)

Iditadad said...

Your dad would like to know if that is what our new roof looks like. WoW

Cindy said...

SWEET! That looks so nice!!! Things like that go for half a mil here - I am jealous but happy for you ;) Can't wait to see pics of the inside.

Wendoyoublog in Colorado said...

Santaquin will be happy to have you. Mona looses out.

Good for you guys. I hope the move goes come this move thing is a big theme in the fam right now?

Shaney said...

Hooray a new house!! But however will you live outside of Mona? And now who will I go to Mona to visit. I guess Santaquin will have to work for Brad. Sorry we missed you!

HuckFinnsMom said...

Can't wait to see it-

PS I don't have my shoes on- Nah nah nah nah nah! (but my shirt is on)

Celeste M. Amazing said...

Hey Congratulations Bonnie!
It was very nice to hear from you.
Glad things are going well.