In years past it has been way too easy for me to get caught up in making sure all of my kids had everything on their list and went into panic mode when I started to wrap and realized that John had more than Jane and the rest of the clan (names have been changed to protect the spoiled) and had to run to the store to find more things to prevent the inevitable counseling they would need someday because I must not love them as much.
I was determined that this year would be a little different...much to my kid's dismay I declared that this Christmas would be a Homemade Christmas. The kids had to come up with gift ideas that had to be made from their own hands. It could not be something silly and it was to take a lot of thought and planning. I had heard of it being done before and balked at the idea myself as anyone who knows me knows that even though I came from one of the craftiest, made-everything-on-this-planet moms, I have the creativity of a hamster. So as each child came up with ideas I could see the excitement/creativity (even from me) start to flow. I spent more time in the craft stores than all my life combined (even all the times with mom as a kid) and wanted one of everything.
My questions of whether they were "getting it" were answered by these exclamations:
"I can't wait for Christmas so everyone can see it!"
"Oh, I just want to go give it to her RIGHT now!"
"Mom, when can we work on my gifts?" x10
"Mom, when can we work on my gifts?" x10
"Mom, when can we work on my gifts?" x10
"Mom, when can we work on my gifts?" x10
"Mom, when can we work on my gifts?" x10
"Wife, when can we work on my gifts?" x10
Coming soon: A peek at the busy little elves...
3 days ago