Wow! Where does the time go?
Turn up the volume and stay tuned after the show to learn 13 things you may not know about Jordan
1. Jordan loves to read, sing, dance, and go shopping.
2. She really wants her own cell phone, ipod, camera, TV, printer, and checking account. She will only get one of those things for her birthday.
3. She just signed up to play softball and is not sure if she will like it being that she only played once before and can't quite remember where short stop is, which way is first base, what the pitcher does or even what kind of ball they use.
4. She is braver than her mom because she has her own room in a dungeon and sleeps there every night.
5. She is taking classes from many of the same teachers I took classes from in Junior High.
6. She is great friends with Jenny Phillip's sister-in-law and we even had this said friend in our house tonight! I asked her for her autograph but she politely declined. Jordan just rolled her eyes at me.
7. Jordan thinks she has a crazy mom. Her friends think I am cool. This is true. I heard it slip from somebody's mouth tonight. Not sure if I was supposed to. I might ask Jordan if I can come next time she goes to play.
8. She does not like being tall and therefore
does not like to wear shoes with any kind of heel to them. I talked her into a pair yesterday to go with her new birthday dress. I had to lie to her and tell her that they really didn't raise her more than a couple of millimeters. I hope she never finds this out as she might think it is ok to lie.
9. She hates salad and abhors ranch. She loses her appetite when she sees her dad bring it to the table every night and pour half the bottle on his plate to eat with whatever we are having that night.
10. She wants an older brother so badly. Her little brother is not cutting it.
11. She has learned to love the good old shows, i.e. I Love Lucy, Little House on the Prairie, Andy Griffith, etc. but is too embarrassed to admit it to her friends.
12. She is the only one in her home economics class who could raise her hand when asked who has ever washed dishes by hand. She says that she will never complain about loading a dishwasher again after we move and get one. I haven't told her that I may find a house without one because I like to think she is learning how to really work hard and that is a good thing.
13. We have had 13 years full of laughter and joy with her and we hope to have 113 more!
We love you so much Jordan and think you are one amazing girl no matter what the bishop says.
Slow Start
1 week ago
Happy Birthday Jordan. I love you so much, and think you are awsome. I sure can relate to that song. I already miss so much. I miss that little girl that thought that cookies were cawkie, and all the fun you had with santa claus(your first baby). I miss a lot and I know that I will always have those memories and new memories in the making. However I am telling you Slow Down Girl.
Love Ya
Happy Birthday. You are officially a teenager. That is awesome. You are a beautiful young lady. I'm proud to be your aunt. You have so many talents that you can share with people. You are so good with children and babies. Your parents have raised you well. We sure love you and are glad you are in our family. I hope you always remember this day, the day you became a teenager.
Only one more year until you can go to the church dances! Can you believe it.
I am wondering which thing you got for your bday present. We hope you can do a guest post and tell us all about your day.
Happy, happy bday!
Ps tell your mom she won a bag!
Happy Birthday Jordan!
Bonnie, I cried watching your video! Can't believe how much time has gone by. I still remember her as a baby! She is beautiful :)
Happy Birthday, Jordan! We love you and wish we could be there to celebrate with you! You have really turned into a beautiful young woman! A little scary that you're a TEENAGER now though!!! ;-)
I hope you have a fabulous day! :-)
Happy Birthday Jordan! Brad was really jealous when he realized that you will be driving before he will!
LOL Shaney. I am not jealous! Check out the slide show again. I found a cute pic of them together.
So when did you start dying Jordan's hair? Or is it that you stopped? ;-) I hadn't realized she was so blond when she was little!
There was one pic of her kind of looking up that reminded me a little of Jessica; I just thought to myself that they are definitely related--some Gooch in them both.
By the way, Bon, I like your IRS letter! Cute! If only it were that easy, right?! :-)
By the way, that was the dungeon I grew up in, the dungeon where I shot the frootroom light switch instead of uncle Mike(check the hole in the cinder block above the switch cover), and the dungeon where I knocked uncle Mike out of bed with firecrackers under his pillow. It was the cold winter's dungeon where hot water bottles got me through the icy sheets at night. It was the dungeon I shared with baby chicks, ducks and guiney fowl. It was the dungeon where I feared Dracula, or the bogey man who broke in to the house and hid one night. It was the dungeon where I learned to pray. It was the dungeon where I ate bottles of delicious apricots from my personal stash. Wow! You are so lucky that you got to live in the dungeon too!!!
I wish I could be 13 again.
Oh wait, no I don't.
Happy birthday, teenager.
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