I really didn't forget Brandon's birthday post. There were too many things that kept me away from doing it on that day. So for posterities sake, (and so he wont wonder why I love everyone else more than him) I am going to do one a little late...no need for belated comments from you (unless you don't want him to wonder some day why you don't love him as much as everyone else...)
11 things you MIGHT not know about Brandon:
1. He has been riding a 2 wheeler for 8+ years. That would make him not even 3 years old. He wasn't even out of diapers yet. (But he was out of those by 3!) That little feat would lead us to believe that he was a genius. That belief would soon be dispelled when he turned 4 and...
2. He had a hard time learning from his mistakes as a youngster. After replacing 3 windshields of various people's cars in our appartment complex, fixed the scratches on two, and over a thousand dollars later, his mom sure learned from her mistakes and had him on house arrest until he was 8. Then he was at the age of accountability and it was on his head.
3. Since he was the only boy in our family he is grateful for a little sister who is not into all the girly stuff. In fact she is the first one to tell everyone she meets that she is half Tom Boy. They have been the best of friends since she was old enough to play cars with him. There have been many times she has had to teach him how to be brave and tough. He is amazed by her. (Oh yeah, this is not about Megan.)
4. He is playing baseball for the first time this year. (Well second but we will not count T-ball...) He is doing really well and his team has won 3/4 games. He has a passion for it and if you can't find him, try checking out in the pasture. He will be there with his shadow playing catch or hitting balls.
5. He just earned his weeblos and arrow of light.
6. He is allergic to milk. It makes him cough all night, he will have asthma symptoms from it.
7. He hates to see anyone get into trouble. He will often ask to take their punishment. A little example...The other day Megan was mad at him and refused to do her chores before school. I told her that she would be grounded for the weekend if she did not get them done before it was time to leave. Brandon jumped right in and started to do them for her. Did she deserve it? NO. But he couldn't stand the thought of her being grounded...
8. He has the biggest heart of anyone I know. He is always the peacemaker in our house.
9. When he was little he declared that the only way he would go on a mission is if I could come with him.
10. His heart was broken as a young child when he had learned that his baby sister had fallen down the stairs. His older sister was expressing how she had wished that it was herself that had fallen and not Alexis. Brandon piped right in and agreed with her..."Me too Jordan. I wished it it was you and not her." Very sincere, but he wasn't about to volunteer himself.
11. Like above he does not think much before he speaks and often finds himself saying things that do not sit well with his older sister. One day while we were driving we were discussing how old Jordan was. The younger ones were trying to remember if she was 7 or 8. She was not thrilled with the conversation and smarted off to them. I tried to jump in and stop what would soon become a huge argument and gently reminded them that she was 8 and they should have remembered that because she had been baptized. I then turned to Jordan and told her that she could have been nicer and asked her "what are we going to do with you!?!?" Brandon came up with a brilliant idea and blurted out..."maybe we just need to dunk her again!"
Well I could go on and on but I will stop there. Hopefully you got to know him a little bit better. He is truly one great kid. (After we got it in to his head that it is not fun to get into trouble for breaking windshields and scratching cars with rocks, and a plethora of other naughty things.) I look forward to many more years of being his mom!
Happy Birthday boy!
Never Say Never
1 week ago
Brandon, you are growing into such a handsome young man. I'm proud to be your aunt. I sure love you. You are amazing and you have great wonderful parents to thank for that.
Aunt Sharon and her boys
x box
Oh my is he growing! Happy Birthday Big guy!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRANDON....a little late! Auntie Amberlee is not the greatest at remembering b-days. I sure miss your sweetness!!!! Kierstyn sure misses going outside and playing with her buddy. I hope you had a great birthday.
Love the Harders
We are so proud of you. You will serve a mission some day, without your mother along. Stay strong in the faith. Jesus is the Christ and He loes you. Love Grandpa and Grandma Alaska. WoW
Happy Belated Birthday, Brandon! We talked to you on the phone that day, but I still wanted to say it here. I'm playing catch-up with the blogs, so I'm a little slow! Sorry. :-) I hope you had a great day! :-)
Me three (pun intended) catching up on blogs....happy sooooooo late birthday Brando.
Love Auntie Wendearest
Bonnie, I love your blog. You tell funny stories is such a funny way. I am always entertained when I read your blog. Wendy
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