Monday, April 7, 2008

I can crop. Can you?

So I was given some cropping lessons and while I am not trying to make my cropping teacher look bad I am going to show off my skills but in a backwards kind of way. I took a great picture of my parent's house that I would like to share. You see they have not yet seen the new roof that was so generously redone for them while they have been away so...

I wanted to share that last. Here is the end result of my cropping. Not too bad eh?

And now the original.

Come on you did not expect me to really show you the roof did ya?


JerBear & Co. said...

Yeah I am the first one to comment on bertha's blog.

JerBear & Co. said...

Now that was a good crop.

Tamster said...

LOL!!! Clever! That was funny! :-)

shauna said...

What kind of crap job, I mean crop job was that?

Iditadad said...

You kids just crack me up. I laughed so hard, the landlady who is home here briefly had to come see what I was laughing for. WoW

Cindy said...

GREAT Job Bonnie! You are now a pro Cropper! Well done! I noticed you played with the color too. :)

Perfect Moments Photography said...

Cindys lessons payed off :) I got to see the real thing and I know mom and dad are going to love it!